Full Moon Check In

As I mentioned previously, I like to set intentions according to the lunar cycle. It’s a great way to set small goals for myself throughout the year. After setting an intention on the New Moon, I check back in on the Full Moon, which is two weeks later. As I am writing this, the Full Moon in Pisces is tomorrow.

The Full Moon is when I ask myself whether I’m moving towards my intention; and if not, identify what is getting in my way. Life happens, and I often get distracted and forget about moving towards my intention. Or maybe something comes along that pulls me in a different direction. The Full Moon check-in is an opportunity to get back on the path I set for myself.

My last New Moon intention was “let go & trust.” This has actually been mine for the last few months. Why? Because I like to be in control. I like to know what to expect. I’m a worrier. And I just became an empty nester. Both of my daughters are doing new stuff this year. My oldest, now a junior in college, moved into a house with several friends. My youngest is a freshman at the same college. They’re 4 hours away from where I live with my husband. So, there’s been a lot of change over the last few months. So much change & so many things I knew I wouldn’t have control over…that’s why I’ve been working to “let go & trust.”

So how am I doing with my intention? That’s what I get to ask myself now on this Full Moon. I’m not gonna lie. It’s been hard. I haven’t even had the clarity to post about it. I told myself I would write a blog post every other week. But I’ve been uninspired (unwilling?) to write about how this new phase of life is going. Not because it’s bad (it isn’t), but because it’s different, and that is really uncomfortable. So I can say this: I haven’t lost sight of my intention. I don’t always do it well, but I’m staying on my path. Sometimes I don’t catch myself until after the fact…when I’m creating a story in my head & catastrophizing (like when I cried the entire 4-hour ride home after leaving my youngest), but that’s ok. At least I did eventually notice. I’m starting to become more aware of when I’m grasping & clinging to control. I’ve tried to see where I’m attaching to an outcome. I notice how it feels in my body. I notice my breath. So my Full Moon check-in is that I’m not doing things perfectly, but it’s a start. I’m heading in the right direction, & that feels good.

Until next time…Stephani